Starfield Game Review: A Deep Dive into Bethesda’s Latest Space RPG

As one of the most anticipated games in recent years, Starfield has finally made its debut, offering players an expansive universe to explore and a fresh narrative from the creative minds at Bethesda Game Studios. Known for their open-world RPGs like Skyrim and Fallout, Bethesda’s foray into space has been met with high expectations. This Starfield Game Review delves into its gameplay mechanics, story, world-building, and overall player experience, offering insights into whether Starfield lives up to the hype.

Overview of Starfield

Starfield takes players on an interstellar journey, set in the year 2330. As humanity ventures beyond our solar system, players assume the role of a space explorer, tasked with uncovering mysteries among the stars. The game presents a rich world full of opportunities for exploration, combat, and storytelling.

At its core, Starfield is an action RPG that incorporates many familiar elements from Bethesda’s previous titles, including character customization, skill progression, and open-world exploration. However, Starfield pushes these concepts to new heights by allowing players to explore a massive universe with countless planets, each offering unique experiences.

Gameplay and Mechanics

Bethesda has always been known for its engaging open-world gameplay, and Starfield is no exception. The game provides players with the freedom to chart their course across the stars, making decisions that will shape their journey. However, what sets Starfield apart from Bethesda’s previous titles is the depth of its space exploration mechanics.

Space Exploration

At the heart of Starfield is its expansive galaxy, where players can travel to numerous planets, moons, and space stations. The game boasts a procedurally generated universe, meaning players can encounter a diverse range of environments, each with its own flora, fauna, and resources. This sense of scale is breathtaking, offering the thrill of discovery with every new planet.

Unlike other space games that focus solely on planetary exploration, Starfield balances space travel with grounded RPG elements. Spaceflight feels authentic, with players needing to manage resources, ship upgrades, and potential dangers like pirates or environmental hazards.

Character Customization and Progression

One of the highlights of Starfield is its deep character customization system. Players can create their own unique explorer, choosing from a variety of backgrounds, traits, and skills. As with other Bethesda titles, these choices impact how the game unfolds. For example, choosing a background as a former diplomat may open up new dialogue options or alliances with certain factions.

Skill progression in Starfield is extensive, with players able to specialize in areas like combat, technology, or exploration. The skill tree is divided into several categories, allowing players to fine-tune their character’s abilities based on their preferred playstyle. Whether you want to be a master pilot, a skilled engineer, or a formidable combatant, the game gives you the freedom to shape your character as you see fit.

Combat and Weapons

Combat in Starfield strikes a balance between ground-based firefights and space battles. On planets, players engage in first- or third-person combat, with a wide range of weapons and tools at their disposal. Bethesda has refined the shooting mechanics, making them feel more fluid compared to previous titles like Fallout 4.

Space combat introduces a new dimension to the gameplay. Players can engage in dogfights with enemy ships, using tactics and ship customization to gain the upper hand. Managing shields, weapons, and engine power adds a layer of strategy, making each space battle a thrilling experience.

Starfield Game Review

Storyline and World-Building

One of the key pillars of Starfield is its immersive storytelling and world-building. Bethesda has a reputation for crafting intricate narratives that allow players to get lost in the world, and Starfield delivers on this front.

Main Story

The main story of Starfield revolves around a mysterious artifact discovered on a distant planet. Players are drawn into an intergalactic conflict involving various factions, each with their own goals and motivations. As players unravel the secrets of the artifact, they must navigate political intrigue, corporate greed, and ancient mysteries.

The branching narrative offers players a high level of agency. Choices made throughout the game impact the outcome, with multiple endings depending on the player’s decisions. This dynamic storytelling encourages multiple playthroughs, as players will want to explore different paths and see how their actions shape the universe.

Factions and Side Quests

In addition to the main storyline, Starfield features a wide range of factions that players can ally with or oppose. Each faction offers its own set of quests, rewards, and potential consequences. For example, players may choose to side with the United Colonies, a military-driven faction focused on law and order, or the Freestar Collective, a group of frontier settlers seeking freedom from corporate control.

Side quests in Starfield are plentiful and diverse, ranging from simple resource collection to in-depth narratives that rival the main story. Bethesda has excelled at creating compelling side content, ensuring that players always have something to do, even outside of the primary narrative.


The universe of Starfield feels alive and lived-in, with each planet and settlement offering a unique atmosphere. The attention to detail in world-building is one of the game’s greatest strengths. From bustling spaceports to desolate alien landscapes, every location in Starfield has its own distinct personality.

Players will also encounter various alien species and wildlife, adding to the richness of the world. The game’s environmental storytelling is top-notch, with hidden lore and clues scattered throughout the universe, waiting to be uncovered.

Graphics and Sound Design

Visually, Starfield is a stunning achievement. Bethesda has crafted a game that captures the grandeur of space while maintaining a level of detail that makes each planet feel distinct. The lighting and particle effects in space, along with the diverse planetary environments, create a truly immersive experience.

The character models and animations are much improved from previous Bethesda titles, adding to the overall polish of the game. However, there are occasional graphical glitches, which is not uncommon in open-world games of this scale.

The sound design in Star field is equally impressive. The ambient noises of space, the hum of a spaceship’s engine, and the dynamic soundtrack all contribute to the game’s atmosphere. The voice acting is also solid, with a cast of talented actors bringing the characters to life.

Crafting and Resource Management

In Starfield, resource management and crafting play a crucial role. Players will need to gather materials from different planets and use them to upgrade their equipment, build bases, and improve their ship. The crafting system is intricate, allowing for a wide variety of customization options. Players can craft weapons, armor, and technology, and they can also research new technologies to unlock advanced crafting recipes.

The resource management aspect adds a layer of strategy to the game. Players must decide which materials to prioritize and how to allocate resources for upgrades. Base-building also ties into this system, as players can create their own outposts on planets, turning them into resource-gathering hubs.

Base Building and Colonization

A key feature of Starfield is the ability to build bases on different planets. This mechanic allows players to establish colonies, extract resources, and even build defenses. The base-building system is flexible, letting players create anything from a small outpost to a sprawling city.

Colonization also adds a long-term gameplay element, as players can choose to settle planets and build civilizations. These settlements can be expanded over time, with the possibility of creating trade routes, defending against threats, and managing population growth.

Companions and Relationships

Another intriguing aspect of Starfield is its companion system. Throughout the game, players will encounter a wide range of characters who can join them on their journey. Each companion has a unique backstory, personality, and skill set, adding depth to both combat and dialogue.

Players can also develop relationships with these companions. Whether through loyalty missions, shared experiences, or dialogue choices, the companion system in Starfield allows for meaningful connections, making the player’s journey feel more personal and immersive.

Ship Customization and Management

Ship customization in Star field is one of its standout features. Players are given the freedom to design their own ships, modifying everything from weapon loadouts to hull design. This customization is not just cosmetic; the choices you make about your ship’s configuration affect how it handles in space, its speed, firepower, and cargo capacity.

Managing your ship also becomes a vital aspect of gameplay. Players will need to balance their ship’s energy output between different systems, like shields, weapons, and engines, during space combat. Additionally, upgrading your ship’s capabilities can give you the edge in exploration and survival, especially in more dangerous regions of space.

Faction Politics and Diplomacy

Factions are an integral part of Starfield, and navigating the complex web of political relationships between them is a critical gameplay element. Players can interact with different factions, choosing to ally with some while opposing others. These decisions influence how the story progresses and how the game world responds to the player.

Diplomacy is also a key feature, as players can negotiate deals, broker peace, or start wars between factions. This adds a dynamic layer to the narrative, as alliances can shift, and the consequences of your decisions can have far-reaching effects on the galaxy.

Replayability and Multiple Endings

Starfield offers high replayability due to its branching narrative and multiple endings. The choices players make throughout the game—whether in dialogues, quest decisions, or faction alliances—directly affect how the story concludes. The sheer scale of the universe, combined with the numerous ways to approach missions and interact with the game world, ensures that no two playthroughs are the same.

This replayability is further enhanced by the different backgrounds, skills, and traits players can choose for their character. A second or third playthrough may offer completely different experiences, making Starfield a game that can be revisited multiple times.

Strengths of Starfield

  • Expansive Universe: The sheer scale of Starfield is one of its most appealing aspects. Players can spend hours exploring the galaxy without running out of things to discover.
  • Deep Character Customization: The ability to tailor your character to your liking is a hallmark of Bethesda games, and Starfield takes it to the next level with its extensive skill tree and customization options.
  • Engaging Storyline: The main narrative, coupled with compelling side quests, keeps players invested in the game’s world and its mysteries.
  • Space Combat and Exploration: The balance between space travel, exploration, and combat creates a well-rounded gameplay experience that caters to a wide range of playstyles.

Areas for Improvement

  • Performance Issues: Like many open-world games, Starfield suffers from occasional performance hitches and bugs, particularly in densely populated areas or during intense space battles.
  • Procedural Generation Limitations: While the procedural generation adds variety, some planets can feel repetitive after a while, with similar landscapes and limited unique features.

Why is Starfield poorly reviewed?

While Starfield has received praise for its vast universe and engaging exploration, some critics have pointed out areas where the game falls short. Common criticisms include performance issues, occasional bugs, and the repetitive nature of procedurally generated planets. Additionally, some players expected more innovation in gameplay mechanics, particularly in space combat and role-playing elements. As a result, Starfield has been met with mixed reviews from those who felt it didn’t fully meet their expectations.

How many hours will Starfield be?

The length of Starfield depends on the player’s style of gameplay. On average, completing the main story will take around 30 to 40 hours. However, for those who want to explore side quests, engage in space exploration, and immerse themselves in the universe’s many systems, the game can extend well beyond 100 hours. Players who enjoy crafting, building outposts, and interacting with factions can easily spend hundreds of hours uncovering everything Starfield has to offer.

Was Starfield a success?

Starfield has been a commercial success, with a significant number of players and pre-launch excitement driving its sales. It quickly became one of the most-played games after its release, with a large community exploring its universe. Despite some mixed reviews, the game’s overall popularity and sales figures indicate that it achieved success, especially for a new intellectual property in a competitive market. Bethesda’s reputation for long-term support and updates may also contribute to Starfield‘s sustained success.

Is Starfield a good video game?

Starfield is considered a good video game, especially for fans of open-world RPGs. Its expansive universe, deep customization options, and immersive storylines have been well-received. The game offers a lot of freedom for exploration and character progression, which are hallmarks of Bethesda’s style. However, its appeal may vary depending on player expectations. While many enjoy the space setting and complex mechanics, others may find it lacking in certain areas like combat fluidity and variety in content.

Final Thoughts on Starfield Game Review

Starfield is a monumental achievement for Bethesda Game Studios. It successfully blends the studio’s expertise in open-world RPGs with the allure of space exploration, creating a game that feels both familiar and fresh. While it has its flaws, Starfield offers a vast, immersive experience that will keep players engaged for hours on end.

Whether you’re a fan of Bethesda’s previous work or a newcomer to their games, Starfield is a must-play for anyone who loves open-world exploration, deep storytelling, and the thrill of venturing into the unknown.

Helene Rose


Helene Rose is a passionate writer and reviewer at ReviewsBlooms, where she brings her keen eye for detail and love for discovering the best products to every article she crafts. With a background in consumer research and a knack for storytelling, Helene is dedicated to providing readers with honest, insightful, and unbiased reviews. Her work helps guide consumers through the noise, ensuring they make informed decisions that truly meet their needs. 


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Helene Rose

Helene Rose is a passionate writer and reviewer at ReviewsBlooms, where she brings her keen eye for detail and love for discovering the best products to every article she crafts. With a background in consumer research and a knack for storytelling, Helene is dedicated to providing readers with honest, insightful, and unbiased reviews. Her work helps guide consumers through the noise, ensuring they make informed decisions that truly meet their needs. 

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